I Think !

I  Think !

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Only an INDIAN can do this !! any bet??

Prahlad Jani, also known as Mataji, has surprised the doctors across the globe as he has managed to survive for 65 years without any food or water and has not urine or stool during the whole period. The reports of medical tests which are being conducted on Mataji since April 22 are normal. The tests included cardiac, MRI of chest, abdomen and spine, EEG.
Doctors said, “During the tests we found that in Prahalad Jani’s bladder, the amount of liquid fluctuates even when he does not pass urine. We did blood tests for haematology, biochemistry, hormone profile and the reports were in the pre-determined safety range throughout the observation period as per the protocol”.
Different tests at different time were conducted as per the protocol set up by partners, revealed Dr. G Ilavazahagan, Director, Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, and neurologist Sudhir Shah.
Dr. Shah shared that the team of doctors conducted blood tests for haematology, biochemistry, hormone profile. The reports were in the pre-determined safety range throughout the observation period.
His nerve conduction studies revealed that he has normal nerve function. Dr. Mukesh Patel and his team reported that Mataji’s lung functions are quite normal. Dr. Urman Dhruv, physician and diabetologist, is also part of the team that is conducting this observational study in association with Sristi and the Government of Gujarat.
This may be a wonder for the doctors, lab technicians and scientists around the world because they least know about the science hidden in Spirituality. But a so called uneducated from a remote village can do wonders with the knowledge which no scientists in the modern world is aware of.. For the modern rational mind this may sound funny... but We Indians are not only researchers of the external world but also the world Internal...
Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, is the scientific text which we follow to discover the hidden truths in the path of Yoga Practice. And with all pride, an Indian did it and has gained some power which yogis call as Siddhi. If we are aware of the Sutras then we would sure recognize Prahlad as a Yogi with Siddhi. The 31st Sutra of 4th chapter in Patanjali's tretise tells that "KanTha kUpe kShutpipAsA nivRtiH"... to be brief in explaining this Sutra, it says that if one can focus all his subtle energy in the region just below our neck which is like a pit, a space in between out collar bones, then He will never in his life will have kShut -Hunger & pipAsA- Thirst.
Amazing right!!
Even we can be Yogis you know!!

1 comment:

Varun Khanna said...

this is fantastic!! i'm so glad to see this. with all pride indeed!